
Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

How to Choose and Set Up a Shopify Domain Name

Selecting a domain name for your Shopify store is a major decision.

Your domain is the first thing a new customer interacts with, even before entering your store. For this reason, it needs to accurately describe your brand and what your customers can expect shopping with you.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

What is MOQ? 5 Tips on Minimum Order Quantity

Minimum order quantity, commonly known by its acronym MOQ, is a sales system that can help your e-commerce store make profits. The term itself describes the minimum number of units customers must order, or the lowest price threshold their order must meet.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Shopify Plus: Is Shopify Good for B2B?

Shopify is a popular platform for direct-to-consumer e-commerce businesses. But it has also proven to be a powerful tool for established B2B e-commerce shops as well.

In fact, Shopify Plus was created to satisfy the growing need for a platform that manages large-scale B2B services.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

What is Headless Commerce and How Can it Help Scale Your E-commerce Business?

When you dip your toe into the wide world of online sales, it can feel like a “Welcome to the World of Buzzwords” seminar. One of those buzzwords you may hear is headless commerce. What on Earth, right? How could something that sounds like literally losing your head possibly help your e-commerce business thrive?

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

What is Augmented Reality and What is The Future of AI in E-Commerce

Over the last few years, we’ve witnessed augmented reality fitting into everyone’s daily life in a multitude of ways. From the rise of Pokémon GO and other related Niantic games to Instagram filters, internet users everywhere are experimenting with programs that overlay the real world and give them a more immersive experience.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

What Is A Lapse Point In E-commerce?

In the world of e-commerce, there’s always something shiny and new around the virtual corner. Keeping a customer’s attention and encouraging repeat business is one of the major challenges every retailer must overcome, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re brand new or old hat.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Top 5 Core Shopify Apps for New Merchants

New to Shopify? Welcome to the powerhouse! You’re now using one of the most diversified and effective platforms for e-commerce available today. Using it to its fullest potential, on that note, can be easier said than done for the unfamiliar.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Customer Retention Strategies To Expand Your E-commerce Sales

New customers are great, but existing ones are better. You’ll spend less money wooing your current customers, and they’re more likely to have bigger, pricier shopping carts, so building customer loyalty should be a priority for your company.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Setting Up Shopify Stores: Expectation vs Reality

You’ve got yourself some shiny new Shopify software. Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward creating and managing an online storefront with a precision that you’ve never had before. Feels good. Now all you have to do is get everything set up.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Preparing your Shopify Store for BFCM

The Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales extravaganza is a crucial financial period for e-commerce businesses. It gives your store the opportunity to make its most significant sales of the year. It can also be a wonderful way to engage new customers and build brand loyalty that carries on long after the holiday season.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

OptiMonk Review: DIY Pop-ups, Sidebars, and More

As an e-commerce store owner, you should use whatever tools you have in your tech arsenal to build a loyal customer base. And with new apps coming out every day, it’s easier than ever to do so.

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