
Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

A payment expert on e-commerce payments for high-risk vertials

If you're a small e-commerce business, you know that smooth eCommerce payment processing is vital to converting your website visitors to sales. But for e-commerce vendors in a high-risk vertical like CBD, tobacco, supplements, or firearms, getting a reliable e-commerce payment processor to approve your sales is an uphill battle that you'll probably lose.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

How to Optimize Your E-commerce Website Conversion Rate

When your website visits aren’t converting to sales, it's beyond frustrating. The key to improving your sales conversations is making strategic decisions based on the data found in your website analytics rather than relying on gut instinct.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Should I Use a Shopify Blog Template?

Having a profitable Shopify business takes a lot of work. You have products to upload, customer service to master, and items to ship, among other responsibilities.

Website templates can save you time.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Trust Badges: Everything a Shopify Seller Needs to Know

One of the main responsibilities of an e-commerce store owner is to provide a safe shopping space for their customers.

Doing so is a lot more straightforward than it sounds, thanks to nifty little website security seals called trust badges.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

7 Shopify Apps to Improve Your Business

Shopify is home to over a million stores, with thousands of apps competing for your business’s attention.

But not all Shopify apps are created equal, with many serving to muddy the waters more than drive sales.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

5 Reasons Why You Need Upsell and Cross-sell Shopify Apps

Upselling and cross-selling are common sales techniques. They can benefit your Shopify store by boosting revenues and increasing customer satisfaction.

But using these strategies in your store will only be effective with the right Shopify apps.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Data Backup Is Vital for Your E-Commerce Store

Your e-commerce website is the epicenter of your priceless customer data. But without a consistent backup strategy, all of your user and purchasing data could be lost instantly. In this interview, Ramin Ramhormozi and Sam Francis discuss the vital practice of backups for your e-commerce website.

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Ramin Ramhormozi Ramin Ramhormozi

Shopify Stores: Rise of Online Marketplaces & E-Commerce Software

It’s nearly 2018 and by now, you know the drill: online marketplaces are building, building, building to the sky, accounting for more and more of the United States’ total retail sales every single day. E-commerce sales are currently hovering at around 8.4% according to 2017’s third-quarter report from the Census Bureau, and every prediction shows that they’ll only continue trending upward.

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