
Ep 08 Email & SMS Marketing with Klaviyo featuring Jack Binda and Hayden Baugh

If you’re not already, you need to be using email and SMS marketing for your business. SMS marketing is becoming increasingly more effective, considering 90% of text messages are opened within the first three minutes of receipt. That’s not surprising considering there are 3.9 billion smartphone users throughout the world, and most of them are constantly on their phones.

Klaviyo is a software business that helps businesses own their marketing. The platform helps businesses tap into their data and analytics to find ways to acquire, retain, and re-engage customers through email, SMS marketing, and more.

In this episode, Ramin Ramhormozi and Klaviyo representatives Jack Binda and Hayden Baugh discuss what email and SMS marketing is, best practices, and the future of these marketing methods. They discuss the most common concern businesses have– how to not be annoying when marketing to customers. They also share how Klaviyo can help business owners experience growth through effective marketing.

Topics Include:

Email marketing

SMS marketing


Automation & flows

Best practices

Go-to flow setups

Discounts & coupons

Abandoned cart marketing

Post-purchase marketing

Schedule of messaging

Welcome series

Length & copy

Call to action




Push notifications

Avoiding being annoying

Sign-up forms


Future of email & SMS marketing

Upcoming enhancements

And other topics...

Jack Binda & Hayden Baugh are employees of Klaviyo. Jack Binda is the Strategic Account Executive for the SMS division and has helped over 300 businesses adapt to SMS. As the Sales and Marketing Manager for Ohza Mimosas, Hayden was a Klaviyo customer prior to joining the Klaviyo partnership development team.

Resources Mentioned:

Klaviyo: https://www.klaviyo.com/partner/signup?utm_source=0010V0000264Z5d&utm_medium=partner

Jack’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-binda-9a973114b/

Hayden’s Emails: Partners@Klaviyo.com

Ohza Mimosas: https://ohzamimosas.com/

Tapcart: https://tapcart.com/

Hubspot: https://www.hubspot.com/


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